Wind energy barometer 2024 by le Journal de l’Eolien

Our media partner, le journal de l’éolien publishes its wind energy barometer and we’re happy to share this report.


476.6 TWh The estimated electricity production from wind power in the EU of 27 in 2023

The European Union wind energy industry has put a spate of alerts and uncertainties behind it as the market bullishly eyes renewed growth prospects. The connection figures for 2023, mark a year of transitioncommensurate with the final investment decisions of previous years. EurObserv’ER’s figure for newly installed capacity installation in 2023 is at least 15.6 GW, which once decommissioned capacity for the year is subtracted, takes European Union capacity in service to 218.5 GW. 

Leaving Europe aside, China’s annual installation figure more than doubled that of 2022, approaching a stunning 76 GW, and took its total capacity in service by the end of 2023 to 441.3 GW. This exceptional growth enabled wind energy to push its 12-month worldwide installation figure past the 100-GW mark for the first time, and with it thrust the total global wind energy capacity installation figure to over one terawatt.

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