Press @ Seanergy

As a member of the press, you will be given the opportunity to meet with major industry stakeholders, attend experts talks and panels and take part to many formats which will allow you to address a major topic of the Transition: offshore renewable energy.

You can submit a free registration – which we’ll confirm as quickly as possible – and contact us to prepare for the event. Our team will be happy to assist setting up interviews with key industry figures & speakers.

Press releases

From Seanergy

  • 16 may 2024 | Communiqué Agenda – Seanergy 2024 revient à Nantes les 26 et 27 juin pour contribuer à l’accélération des énergies de la mer (FR)
  • 27 May 2024 | Press realease – Seanergy 2024 returns to Nantes on June 26 and 27 to contribute to accelerating offshore renewable energy (EN) – also available in the blog section

News from the industry – our exhibitors’ press releases